Capitalism’s Status Quo Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against the Coronavirus

Lydia Bates
4 min readSep 3, 2021

And that is the most exciting news you’ll hear all year.

We’re living in wildly interesting times.

Never before has humanity been forced to wrestle with so many global existential crises before they sip their morning coffee.

It’s a lot.

But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

I believe humanity is being invited, through one giant cosmic inhale, into a chance to create something new here on our tiny blue planet.

It truly is exciting, if only you are capable of heeding the invitation and taking a step into the future.

Step into my studio, let’s create something together.

At the start of Covid my ears perked up at the information about obesity and other comorbidities that were causing the most extreme consequences of the Covid-19 infection.

Admittedly, I got a jolt of excitement, not because I’m a psychopath who wants sick people to get sicker (arguably, unlike the pharmaceutical industry). I was naively excited because I had a momentary lapse in hope that maybe health would finally become a mainstream conversation, action, and foundation of our society.

I thought that major news networks would catch up to the latest research in marketing and start pitching ideas that are worth something. In the words of dear old Ted(Talk), Ideas Worth Spreading.

Alas, old patterns indeed are hard to break and conversations about fear are as old as they come.

From an evolutionary standpoint, fight/flight fear states are the most fundamental to our nature. Some have labeled the fear center of the brain as the “reptilian brain” because long before we became human and grew a prefrontal cortex, the Reptile brain was hard-wired to see the world through a specific lens.

The fear state is a beautiful mechanism in evolutionary biology. It’s why we’re here and didn’t get eaten by the scary bear.

The problem with fear in the modern age is that it’s not a useful mechanism for creating solutions.

Fear is useful for some things, especially if you’re a power broker with an agenda (i.e. making lots of money from your “product” that will “save” humanity).

With any level of critical thinking, a slight pulling back on that curtain will reveal just how sloppy, lazy, and short-lived that marketing tactic is.

Let’s jump back, for a minute, to the days of yore in 2019 when my naivety erroneously put my hope in pundits to market the right ideas. Imagine with me for a moment…

What if I wasn’t naive?

What if it was real that pundits on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and all major influencers in our society came together and started communicating about actual health and healing.

What if instead of headlines about tragedy, we watched segments on how to grow fresh food out of your backyard. What if pundits started pulling the curtain back on how broken our food system is and helped us dream up better ways of living.

What if inspirational leaders such as Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, and Mel Robbins were invited to come on the screen to share how to overcome stress and create powerful solutions for your life.

What would that look like? What would it take?

The landscape of what pulls the levers in our society is changing.

Somewhat tragically, it doesn’t always look that way on the daily news but changes are coming.

Some people fear change but that’s a silly thing to be afraid of. Change is also the reason we’ve survived the “scary bear.”

Change has enabled humanity to adapt, not through external stimuli but literally through our ability to create new outcomes.

Think about it for a moment. By its very nature, the industrial revolution exists because someone created an idea in their mind and then actualized it.

It’s time for us to create a new “industrial revolution.”

Capitalism has enabled immense growth and productivity but our shift in consciousness now must begin focusing on that naive idea that got me so excited at the start of the pandemic.

It’s time for humanity to have a health revolution. It’s time for healing to become the biggest priority of our lives.

Healing for the planet and the havoc we have wrought on ecosystems throughout the globe.

Healing for our children and the trauma we have induced on their innocence.

Healing for our collective traumas through war, propaganda, control, manipulation, and exploitation.

Healing for our souls so we can finally be set free from the birth and death cycles we find ourselves trapped in.

It’s time to evolve again.

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Sending you lots of love! ❤



Lydia Bates

Question asker. Status quo trouble maker. Giggle producer. Tear jerker.